Friday, January 22, 2010

While you're away.

Things to do while Tom is out of town for three weeks...

1. Wander around Brooklyn. I haven't been back in a long while (I blame married life), so I want to reintroduce myself to the old neighborhood.
2. Bake a cake.
3. Not eat the entire cake.
4. Start the new book. I'm not talking notes, or ideas, or scenes. I'm talking START THE BOOK. Chapter 1. Here we go.
5. Clean out the closet. It's time.
6. Use the slow cooker we got as a wedding gift but hasn't been opened yet.
7. Begin working on that video project that I've been talking about for ages. No more excuses.
8. Go to the Statue of Liberty. Nine years in New York and I've never been. far I've only been successful in watching the majority of movies in our Netflix queue and finishing all snack food items in the kitchen. Don't judge me.

via friends of type

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